Easter Family Celebration

03/30/2024 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM PT


In partnership with Finlandia Foundation, Zeitgeist, Sophie Scholl Schule, Portland Finnish School, Nordic Northwest we invite you to this family event.


Parents, grandparents, and friends can enjoy coffee and pastries while kids make crafts and hunt for eggs! In good weather this event will be partly outside so bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets.


The ticket includes an egg hunt, crafts including traditional cultural crafts, Nordic and German baked goods, and of course, some strong coffee!


Easter in the Nordic countries is an exciting mix of flavors, history, and traditions. Besides, celebrating the religious roots of the Christian feast, Easter is all about welcoming the long-awaited spring after the dark and cold winter months. It is often considered as planting the seeds for happiness and health for the approaching summer season.


For many, Easter also means a break from the hectic life in the middle of the spring. In Finland, Good Friday and Easter Monday are public holidays, and many families take the opportunity to spend the long weekend away. Surprisingly, quite often they travel to northern Finland to see snow one last time before the summer.